Image of three people conversing.

Photo: Johnér

Connect with employers during your studies

Would you like to meet employers and connect while studying? In Umeå there are several initiatives and meeting places who wants to make it easier for you to find a job post graduation.

Connect with employers

The labor market in Umeå is diverse and the unemployment rate is low. Over the past five years, Umeå’s labor market has expanded significantly, adding nearly 9 000 new jobs. While finding a job as a recent graduate can be stressful, there are many opportunities available. Not all potential employers and exciting job openings are listed on the Swedish Public Employment Agency’s site, Platsbanken.

To reduce stress and maximize your chances, start networking, meeting employers, and exploring job opportunities within the Umeå region while you are still studying.


Jobbsnack (Work talk) is what it sounds like – you get to talk career opportunities with employers within the Umeå region. You will meet people with the same degree as you will have one day, and hear them share their experiences from your future line of work. The Jobbsnack programme is planned togheter with students from Umeå university.


Meet employers at the labor market fair Uniaden, held by students. Uniaden describes itself as Swedens broadest labor market expo and attracts many employers from the Umeå region, as well as other parts of the country.

Co-op (Cooperative education)

Combine your studies with working for a local business. Co-op-locations are available at certain educational programs at Umeå University and are a great opportunity to establish work-related contacts and get work experience during your studies.

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