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Refugee from Ukraine
Welcome to Umeå!
This website provides information about municipal services for citizens in Umeå, how to make use of them, and someone to contact if you have questions.
Below is also information from Swedish authorities to you seeking temporary protection in Sweden and information about support: application for temporary residence permit and asylum, health care, required veterinary services for pets, advice how to handle worries and avoid hassles/risks, conversation support and important telephone numbers.
Västerbotten County Administrative Board
Updated 2022-04-07. Keep up to date with changes on websites of Swedish authorities.
Arriving to Sweden from Ukraine External link, opens in new window. (English)
Arriving to Sweden from Ukraine External link, opens in new window. (Ukrainian)
Arriving to Sweden from Ukraine External link, opens in new window. (Russian) is a national website for emergency information.
På finns samlad information om massflyktsdirektivet och vad som gäller för dig som kommer från Ukraina.
Information om massflyktsdirektivet External link, opens in new window.
Umeå kommun
Strax nordväst om Umeälvens delta där älven rinner ut i Bottenviken ligger Umeå. Staden är residensstad för Västerbottens län och Norrlands största tätort. Kommunen har cirka 130 000 invånare.